Reynoldsburg has never had a fire department, it is serviced by the Truro township fire department, a very proud group of people. Photo courtesy of the Reynoldsburg-Truro Historical Society, Heritage Center Museum, 1485 Jackson Street, Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068.
This photo is on the ‘then and now’ page; of the rths website and was where the McDonalds is now, on SR 256, near I.-70. Photo courtesy of the Reynoldsburg-Truro Historical Society, Heritage Center Museum, 1485 Jackson Street, Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068.
Columbus has a great collection of historic homes. As a kid, I was always fascinated by taking walks in various neighborhoods and checking out all the old homes. Here’s some of the great homes–some are still around, some are still memories.
Taken in the offices if Lynx, Inc., on Main Street in Reynoldsburg in1974. Clockwise from top, Philip Vaughn, Wes Brown, Kenny Francis, Roy Combs, Norm Tinkem, Dick Barth, Ginny Sharp, Jim Mills, Center, Carolyn Nicodemus. Former mayor, the late Kenny Francis, is in the striped tie, and the man known as “Mr. Tomato,” Roy Combs, […]