In 1973, five photographers spent one year documenting High Street, from the Scioto Downs area south of I-270 to north of the Pontifical College in Worthington. What can we learn from the photos today about the forces that change some areas while leaving others virtually untouched? Historic photos: Courtesy of Ohio History Connection
On this episode of Columbus Neighborhoods, we’re taking a look at historic architecture in Columbus and Newark. Discover a 1973 photo collection documenting High Street, a historic jewel-box bank in Newark and an 1850s church that’s now a fine-dining establishment on the North Side. Historic photos: Courtesy of Ohio History Connection, Art Institute of Chicago, […]
On the next episode of Columbus Neighborhoods, we’re taking a look at historic architecture in Columbus and Newark. Discover a 1973 photo collection documenting High Street, a historic jewel-box bank in Newark and an 1850s church that’s now a fine-dining establishment on the North Side. Watch at 8:30pm Thursday, Nov. 29 on WOSU TV!
Historians Ed Lentz and Aaron O’Donovan share the clues they look for when investigating old photos, plus tips on dating photographs. Photos: Courtesy of Al Cincione, Bruce Warner and the Hollenback family
See how Clintonville’s history is preserved in a remarkable scrapbook, created by The Clinton League in the 1930s and recently re-discovered in the Ohio History Connection archives.